Earth Angel by Lola Moore

Earth Angel by Lola Moore

Author:Lola Moore
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Austin Macauley Publishers
Published: 2022-03-22T00:00:00+00:00

RJ had just finished with his push-ups and stretches when Ben arrived. He knew he went to sleep late last night, but he was never one to lie in. He was an early riser. Besides, he could not sleep anyway. His mind had been taken over by Eva da Silva. He had never thought about a woman the way he thought about her. Thoughts of her were now an intrusion into his already complicated life. Yet, he had enjoyed spending time with her last night… despite a couple of problems that threatened to destabilise him. Man, she was so very easy on the eyes.

The glorious aroma of eggs and bacon welcomed him as he walked into the living room. Lisa was in the kitchen making fried eggs, and Ben was sitting on one of the sofas, reading a newspaper. He was old fashioned like that.

“Hey, RJ, ask Ben here why we’re never over at his for a meal?” Lisa requested, pointing the spatula in Ben’s direction.

“Because Ben doesn’t cook,” RJ replied wryly instead.

Ben chuckled. “You’re welcome anytime, peach, if you don’t mind cooking.”

Lisa frowned and put her free hand on her waist. “Who’s the peach? And why do I have to cook? Can’t you order in?”

Ben considered this, but only for a second. “Actually, not a bad idea.”

RJ joined Ben in the living room.

“How did it go last night?” he asked.

“I was about to ask you the same thing,” Ben said with a grin.

RJ did not feel like going into it. “It was an interesting night.”

“Did you encounter any issues?” enquired Ben.

“No not really. Well, nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“You like this angel of yours, don’t you? Was she worth going to the trouble of getting tuxed up and going to the thing?” Lisa teasingly asked.

Did he like this angel of his? Without a doubt! Had she been worth the trouble? Absolutely! Hell, he could not stop thinking about her.

“Sure,” was RJ’s brief response.

Ben and Lisa exchanged a look. He’s mad about her, Lisa mouthed to Ben, and he smiled.

“So yesterday?” asked RJ wanting to change the topic. He didn’t need more reasons to keep thinking about Eva.

Ben sat up and moved to the edge of the chair. “It all went as planned. Nick’s got himself £120,000 now. Oscar got in touch last night. Apparently, Nick’s been on top of the world.”

RJ nodded. “Good. He needs £130,000 more to make the mark, and then some for the money issues Oscar hinted that Nick might be having regarding the house and other expenses. Any idea when he intends to go back?”

“Oktapod gave him three weeks. One week has gone by, so he has two left. According to Oscar, Meltdown suggested that they go to the poker house this Friday, but Nick insisted that they had to keep up appearances and skip a week. He does not want to come across as desperate. He’s confident they can make that and more next week Friday.”

RJ looked at Ben quizzically. “Really? Even though he is desperate? That’s cutting it a bit close.


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